
Our Blog Has Moved!

Hello Mynx Lovers!

Thank you so much for following our blog so far.  You may have noticed that we have launched a new ClubMynx website!  With this change, we also switched our blog to our website.  To continue reading our Mynx Confessions posts, follow us here:  http://www.clubmynx.com/blog/

We will no longer be posting on this current site, so be sure to bookmark the new page!


Split Grip Handspring Issues

LadyMynx Pole Club member, Carla, sent me this great blog post from liveituppolefitness.com about Split Grip Handspring issues.

Why I Never Do the Split Grip Handspring (Or why I Owe the TG a Great Big Apology)

I had been doing handspring and cartwheel mounts for a little over 3 months when I first noticed it: nagging feeling at my right wrist that extended to the elbow through my ulnar side forearm. It wasn’t pain, not at all, it just felt like it was…there. I was aware of my right wrist and forearm when I was poling, at my computer, in the shower, cooking, cleaning and most of all, when I first woke up int he morning. Overuse, I was told, and not stretching out the area enough after a pole practice. So reluctantly, I spaced out my training sessions and made sure to stretch out the area really well after every session.  The problem never went away, but since it didn’t hurt either, I got used to it.

Over the course of the next few months, I learned the twisted grip and true grip version of the handspring. I mostly used the split grip and the twisted grip as these two were much more versatile for getting into and out of different moves. Then one day, after a particularly grueling practice, I felt a pain on the outer side of my right wrist.  I iced the area and let it rest for a few days. At the next practice, the pain came back. Again, I iced it and let it rest until the pain subsided. But again, the pain came back the next time I was on the pole and lasted several days.  Since I was about to spend 2 weeks visiting family in Hong Kong, I took the opportunity to rest my wrists.
CLICK HERE to read the rest of the blog post!

Thanks for the article, Carla!


Congratulations Michelle!!

A few days ago, you may have read the blog post of Michelle's video of the Tree of Life painting on spinning pole video (blog post called Pole Fitness Art).  We thought Michelle's video was so fantastic that we submitted it to United Pole Artists and it was featured as their video of the week!  This is an incredible honor and we are so proud of Michelle for being featured on a global scale in the pole community!

Congratulations Michelle!! We are so happy for you!!

If you want to keep up to date in the pole world, check out United Pole Artists' facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/UPArtists

(Picture from United Pole Artists' Facebook page)


Earn it.

It's okay to be jealous of others accomplishments but don't let that fuel your excuses.  Use that jealousy to motivate you to keep working your butt off.  Earn those bragging rights.


Pole Fitness Art!

Painting in a new way! From my perch on a spinning pole I've tackled a colourful spiral painting I've been imagining in my head for months now. Watch from start to finish as the artwork evolves in fast-forward.

The "Tree of Life" is reflective of our everyday lives; amongst the chaotic swirl of events, beauty still exists if you look at the unique little details that spontaneously appear, and as you view it all as a greater whole. Life evolves and grows, with one event blurring into the next; but throughout it all there is always a strong foundation of connections that intertwine life's events. The interconnectedness that keep us grounded amongst the chaos are our family, friends, personal beliefs, and aspirations.

ClubMynx and pole fitness has been a life changing discovery for me. I've found a rare group of gems; genuinely beautiful and strong women that give they're hearts to their passion and love to share it with others. Nowhere else have I come across such a supportive group of women! Amidst some stressful and troubling issues life has thrown at me in recent years, I've consistently turned to one source of grounding and happiness.  Club Mynx has provided me with a love and passion for pole fitness that never fails to brighten my day. I walk away from a pole practice feeling empowered and ready to take on the world.

Two of my goals this year are to embrace my artistic side and to celebrate my strengths. What better way to truly express myself through my two favourite sources of artistic expression - pole and painting!

- Michelle Durell

Easy Listening Songs To Freestyle To

- Go - Delilah
- Skinny Love - Birdy
- Everything is Embarrassing - Sky Ferreira
- Radioactive - Imagine Dragons
- Ashtrays and Heartbreaks - Miley Cyrus & Snoop Lion
- Let The Drummer Kick - Citizen Cope


Notice to Drop-In Participants

Drop-in Fitness classes will continue to run until the end of day April 30th, 2013 and after that time we will no longer be offering this service. On Friday April 26th our website will temporarily be offline (for up to 24 hours) as we switch over and launch our new ClubMynx website. Due to this change, you will not be able to sign up for drop-in classes after this time. Please be advised though that there will still be classes running until the end of day April 30th and you are welcome to attend without signing up. If you have any questions please contact us at 306-373-4244. Thank you so much for your involvement at ClubMynx! We hope to see you in an enrollment program!


Deal or No Deal?

This week the big news at the new studio is that we have finished sanding the brick wall in Studio 2, and we have heat and AC ducts now in all the rooms. Yay. Who would have thought that extending a few metal pipes to get airflow could be sooooo expensive? Oh boy we are getting an eye opener with these renos, but I guess that's natural! On the flip side, I saved some money on fabric this week! I’ve been searching for fabric to re-upholster our new lap dance chairs. After searching 3 different fabric places and not finding anything I really love, I came across this awesome find of damask gold and black fabric. And the best part was that the lady sold me 8 yards for only $20, and I’ll be able to redo all of the chairs with this! Yay I love great unexpected deals! Here are some pics of the great progress this week: 


Sap Alert

Don't mind me as I get a little sappy here...

I recently got home from one of the most amazing trips of my life and as much fun as I had I did feel a bit homesick near the end of the trip.  Driving home from the pole studio on Tuesday night after shadowing Brigitte's stage 1 pole class I had a moment of feeling perfectly at home.  Ever since I was a little girl and we got transferred with my dad's work to Saskatoon I hated it.  I was a stubborn teenager who refused to call Saskatoon home.  It was different than where I grew up and I wouldn't let go of this angry feeling towards it.  No matter how hard the people around me tried I refused to open my heart to this city. 

Well on Tuesday, as I was driving home, crossing the University Bridge I finally felt at home.  My heart swelled with this feeling of happiness and comfort.  And that's when it hit me - Saskatoon as a city isn't what makes me finally accept this place as my home, it is the studio - it is ClubMynx and everything about it.  This is my family.  I no longer feel this need to leave this city because I finally feel like I have somewhere to call my home. 

(Don't say I didn't warn you that this was going to be a sappy post ;))


Rise by lifting others

I had a very memorable pole class yesterday that I would love to share!  It was our last Pole Skills and Flexibility Improvement Class of the session and everyone was working hard on those last nemesis moves that they hoped to accomplish when the session started.

One participant in particular was working on her Chopper - a Stage 4 move that many people have trouble with.  Throughout the six weeks she diligently cross-trained, worked hard and kept a positive attitude.  In this last class she absolutely nailed her Chopper.  What made this moment so special is that the whole class stopped, watched her hold  her move, and when she came down, everyone cheered!  Since we all watched her work at it throughout the session, it's almost like we all accomplished something when she did!

 (L4 Photography)

I have to admit, I got pretty choked up because I was not only so proud of her, but so proud of the positive support in the room.  It's almost like the energy in the room lifted and shortly after everyone was busting out crazy moves, nailing their nemesis tricks, and cheering and supporting each other on.

I truly believe that the genuine positivity and joy that we felt for her gave us all a positive lift, which is what I hope you can think about in your own pole classes.  It's easy to focus on yourself, get frustrated with what you can't do, and potentially have a less than fantastic class.  But when you switch your focus to giving your neighbor a high five, cheering her on when she does something great (no matter how small!), by you focusing on also supporting others, you will also get a lift!  It feels good to support other people and when you get your nemesis move, we are all waiting to cheer you on! 

Thank you so much to all the girls who attended that class!  I had a fantastic time and am so proud of how far you have come in such a short time!!  Give yourselves a pat on the back... you deserve it!

2013 National Aerial Pole Art Winners!

The National Aerial Pole Art Competition was held on April 7 in Los Angeles, CA.  Below are the champions and their winning routines!

Women's Division Champion - Charlee Wagner

Men's Division Champion - Derick Pierson



A few before and after projects

We were so fortunate to have Angela Lee (Mynx Poler) help us out with a brick project at the new ClubMynx this past week. When we took possession of the new studio space last week, there was a hole in the brick wall at the front of the foyer and we weren’t sure what we were going to do with it. Unexpectedly Angela contacted me and offered to help us out as she just happens to be Saskatchewan’s only female journeyman brick layer! How awesome, and we are so grateful as Angela offered to do this work at no cost as a way “to give back to a place that has given her so much confidence”. What an amazing story! Below are the before and after pics. Unfortunately because of the remaining parts of the brick being coated in a thick oil paint that just won’t come off, we are going to have to paint this entire brick wall…but at least now we don’t have a huge gap to work around – yay! Thank you Angela! 

Bad old insulation filling this nasty hole that actually used to be a window!
Amazing new brick that Angela Lee installed for us! 

Also, in the spirit of being “Vintage” at the new studio, I have been on a mission to refurbish a few items and this weekend my project was creating a chandelier for my office. My Baba had this old living room chandelier in storage and she gave it to me. A little spray paint and some awesome bird cages I found at Micheal’s for $3 each, and voila I have this awesome burlesque inspired vintage chandelier.  

If you have any vintage ideas that could be awesome for the studio shoot us an email at info@clubmynx.com!  


Plateaus... and how to get past them

At some point or another, every pole dancer will encounter a plateau or a state of little or no change after a time of activity or progress.  Plateaus come in all forms... spins, aerial poses, aerial combos, handstands, flexibility... the list goes on and on!  They can be so frustrating because you may be moving along like a rock star.... not only conquering but annihilating everything you do and them BAM.... no progress....at all... whatsoever.... Plateaus can also be irritating because your mind thinks your body can do something that it's not quite ready to handle and that can be tough, especially when things were so easy before!

(Photography by Niaomi Loveridge)

What to do!?

- Reach out.  Suggestions from your pole instructors, pole friends, etc is so important.  One of the things I love about pole is that sometimes one little tip will change whether or not you can accomplish something. 

- Cross Training.  This is so important!! Are you doing push ups and working on your core at home?  It's just as important to train and prepare your body off the pole as it is on the pole.  If you are unsure what to do or don't want to do it alone, Mynx offers fantastic Pole Conditioning classes that you may want to take!

- Get help from the professionals!  I have been working on a move on and off for over a year and still have a long way to go.  In December I had an injury and went to physiotherapy (a fabulous referral from Mynx instructor, Nicola!).  I found out in my appointment that the move I was trying to learn was physically impossible for me to do until I fixed my body.  I was literally wasting hours and hours trying something that I would never have got without help.  Perhaps you have an old injury that is holding you back? 

- Take a break. Sometimes you need a mental and/or physical break from doing a particular move.  If you step away from it for a couple of weeks, you may be surprised at the progress you make coming back to it.  One of the greatest things about pole is that there are hundreds of moves to work on!  You can also work on your dance, floor work, style, etc. so there is never a shortage of things to do!

- Be patient.  I find this is the best advice and probably the advice I need to listen to the most myself.  Some pole moves will take months to learn because they require a ridiculous amount of strength or flexibility, or both!  I remember my twisted grip handspring took me over a year to learn!  Some days I made small improvements and some days felt like I was taking two steps back but staying consistent made it all worth it! 

If you do encounter a plateau... and we all do!.... remind yourself why you love pole.  Your confidence as a pole dancer and your self worth as a person are not dependent on whether or not you can get a particular pole move.  Don't let one nemesis move or a period of slow progress take you away from the joy you get from being a pole dancer!

(Photography by Niaomi Loveridge)


The first week of renos

One week ago today we started renos of the new ClubMynx. It's so crazy to believe that in only 1 week we have framed and drywalled all of the rooms, installed all 6 doors and frames, had the electrican come in to do all of the roughing in, and the plumber finished his stuff today too. Last night the mudding and taping got started....it's been so amazing! There is still a lot to do, but I couldn't be happier with the process that we made in only the first week.

Today I had the privileged of  meeting with Di from Dimensions Design Consulting who is a super talented interior decorator and also a good friend of mine. Di is working with me to make the interior of the space everything I am envisioning. It's funny because where else would it be appropriate to tell your designer that you want your business to look like an underground brothel in a red light district hahahaha BUT that is what we're going for. VINTAGE BURLESQUE and super sexy. I can't wait! For those of you dying to know...close your eyes and picture the color of amazingly delicious red wine and that is the beautiful and rich color you will see in the front of ClubMynx, along with some demask influences of black, white and of course our signature pink mixed in there as well. I can now say I'm combining my passion for alternative fitness with my other passion - drinking wine bahahahah.

More pics to come, but for now have a peak at our beautifully drywalled walls - yay!

(Looking from the front doors into the foyer)
(From the front of the pole studio looking in)
(Washrooms in the front foyer)
(From the back of the pole studio looking towards the front)
(Looking into our second studio. How awesome is the exposed brick wall and old warehouse windows? LOVE THEM!)


More Progress

It's hard to believe it has only been 1 week since we took possession of our new studio space. Over the weekend our team was busy installing the drywall and roughing in the electrical. Ken and his brother from 306 Electric have been great to work with! We also prepared the aerial mounts on the Ibeams, and prepped to install the pole mounts as well. It’s been such a productive week! Today Joey from Ayotte Plumbing & Heating is coming in to do the rough-in for the water lines, and later in the week we plan to have all the drywall complete and have the mudder/taper start to do his thing. Here’s a peak of the progress at this stage!   

Looking into the pole studio
The front lobby, outside of washrooms and office


Hard Work

'Talent is cheaper than table salt.  
What separates the talented individual from the successful one 
is a lot of hard work.'
-Stephen King


YAY! And that is all!

Just wanted to make a quick post! Im off to Cabo on Saturday for a week of fun in the sun and I can not tell you how excited I am!
There has been a lot going on so it will be nice to have some away time and have fun and be warm!

I also went to the new studio today to help mark out where the poles will be!  We are installing the mounts today or tomorrow!! YAY!!!!
There will be a lot more height and a little extra leg room now. 
All the walls are framed in and the electrical is about half done. Its really amazing cause now we can start to visualize a bit more how its going to look.
I can not wait to see the finished studio and more so I cant wait for YOU to see the finished studio!!!

Well that is all for now!

Have a great week!


All Rooms Are Framed!

A full day of framing today! The guys hammered out my office, both studios and the storage room. All of the rooms are now framed. What an AMAZING first two days of renos!!


Beginning Reno Pics

And so it begins! Today we started to see some transformations happening at the new ClubMynx with framing the walls for the 2 washrooms going up! It was a productive day and I have to thank my husband Morgan, bro-in-law Blainer and good friend Kris for their help. Go Team WMWHomes for your muscle power!!! Also a big thank you to my father-in-law Rod and Morgan's Uncle Al who took the week off to help us! Have a peak at the very beginning photos of the studio…can you visualize the wonderfulness? 

Realtors turned handy dudes. Go team WMW Homes!

A little while later, the washrooms start to take form
You're looking at the beautiful pole studio straight ahead. It's going to be AMAZING!