
Soaring To New Heights!

As Keeley mentioned, this was the exciting week that we started our new Aerial Hoop classes!

Teaching hoop this week really reiterated a big life lesson for me:  You have to put yourself out there and try new things!  At the start of both classes, you could feel a few nerves from participants because let's face it, whether you are six years old and it's your first dodge ball game, or if you are 27 years old and trying a new skill like aerial hoop, putting yourself out there and trying new things can be a little scary.

By the end of both classes, the nerves were gone, and I had a bunch of hoop ninjas on my hands!! If these girls were too scared to put themselves out there, they would have missed out on the experience to be amazing!  I'm so proud of everyone and can't wait until our next class on Monday!

Is there something in life that you'd like to do but are nervous to try?  Put yourself out there!!  Life is too short to sit in the shadows!

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