
Squat Challenge

Almost two weeks ago Keeley and I started on a 100 squats a day challenge.  I don't know about her - but I didn't set an end date for my challenge.. which now that I think about it is a little silly.  Am I going to do 100 squats everyday for the rest of my life?  Well, I guess I could.. and probably should but that challenge seems a bit much.  So to set a more realistic challenge for myself I am going to set a technical end date of April 7, 2013.  I am leaving on the 8th to Cabo so that seems like a pretty good end date if you ask me!

So far, I have been doing great!  When I first agreed to it I figured I would like it for about 2 days and then have a lazy day and never start up again but that hasn't been the case.  I have been sticking to the routine of 100 squats a day and I could not be more proud of myself.  I know, I know it's not a big goal by any means but hey, so what!  It's MY goal. 

Some days are easier than others.. for example, coming home late at night snuggled up on the couch watching TV when BAM it hits me that I have not yet completed my challenge.. so I sit for about 15 minutes fighting with myself ...

1.  I could get up, push through the 100 squats and then snuggle back up on the couch.
2.  I could argue with myself all night and choose to not do them.  This would leave me feeling guilty all night and all of the next day too.

In the end I overcame the battle with myself and I got those 100 squats done and I must say it felt good to shut myself up!

The one piece of advice I'd like to share is:  Quit making things so hard for yourself!

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